Download sas2xls.sasSubmit a comment

 Your perl installation may require some encoding files.
 This is because ENCODING variable output by the SASXML tagset has the value

 On my test system, the perl program initially errored, with the message
 "Couldn't open encmap windows-1252.enc:"
 showing in the SAS log

 I downloaded
 into my
  /perl/site/lib/XML/Parser/Encodings folder

 and the error went away.
%macro sas2xls (
, fileref=
, sheet1=,  sheet2=,  sheet3=,  sheet4=,  sheet5=
, sheet6=,  sheet7=,  sheet8=,  sheet9=,  sheet10=
, sheet11=, sheet12=, sheet13=, sheet14=, sheet15=
, sheet16=, sheet17=, sheet18=, sheet19=, sheet20=
, sheet21=, sheet22=, sheet23=, sheet24=, sheet25=
, sheet26=, sheet27=, sheet28=, sheet29=, sheet30=
, sheet31=, sheet32=, sheet33=, sheet34=, sheet35=
, sheet36=, sheet37=, sheet38=, sheet39=, sheet40=
, sheet41=, sheet42=, sheet43=, sheet44=, sheet45=
, sheet46=, sheet47=, sheet48=, sheet49=, sheet50=
, perl= perl -w
, deleteXML = 1

  %* sas2xls - Create an excel file containing one worksheet per SAS dataset
  %*            Requires Perl and some perl modules.
  %* Richard A. DeVenezia
  %* 11/18/03 adapted from sas2xls
  %* 11/23/03 handle time, date and datetime values
  %* 11/25/03 add translate to xmlappend invocations
  %* Does this:
  %*   Use XML library engine to write SAS data sets to
  %*   an xml file.  This file is read by a Perl program
  %*   which creates a multi-sheet workbook from it.
  %* Does not:
  %*   Handle formatting issues. We will have to wait for SAS to get
  %*   off their duff and write an ODS EXCEL destination.
  %* Perl Host requirements:
  %*   Perl 5.005 (or later)
  %*   Spreadsheet::WriteExcel
  %*   Parse::RecDescent
  %*   File::Temp
  %* Assumptions:
  %*   Perl and SAS are installed on same host
  %* Argument categories and special considerations:
  %* Excel output
  %*   FILE=<host-path>         or
  %*   FILEREF=<SAS-fileref>
  %*   If fileref _WEBOUT is passed, the proper content-type will be prepended
  %*   to the generated excel file
  %* Worksheet names and content source
  %*  Form1: SHEET<n>=[~][<SheetName>]:[<Heading>]:<Dataset>|<CatalogEntry>
  %*  Form2: SHEET<n>=<Dataset>|<CatalogEntry>
  %*  <n> can range from 1 to 50
  %*  Caveat: Due to the use of : as a specification delimiter, a SHEET<n>
  %*          parameter should not have a : in it (such as in a data set
  %*          where clause). Use a SQL or Data Step view to get around
  %*          this restriction.
  %*  Form 1:
  %*   [~][<SheetName>]:[<Heading>]:<Dataset>|<CatalogEntry>
  %*     ~ is optional
  %*       A special formatting indicator
  %*       If SheetName starts with tilde (~) the worksheet is formatted
  %*       to hide grid lines and all cells are Courier New font
  %*       Use this feature when transferring a PROCs text output to Excel.
  %*       A PROCs text output can be captured to a catalog using Proc PRINTTO.
  %*     <SheetName> is optional
  %*       The worksheet name.
  %*       If not present, the dataset label of <Dataset> will be used
  %*       If <Dataset> is unlabelled, then <Dataset> will be used
  %*     <Heading> is optional
  %*       Heading controls what appears in Row 1 of the Excel worksheet.
  %*       Heading may be:
  %*         LABEL - Column label, name is used if unlabelled column
  %*         NAME  - Column name
  %*         NONE  - No column heading row
  %*       Heading defaults to NAME.
  %*     <Dataset>
  %*       A SAS data set or view to be placed in a Excel worksheet.
  %*       <Dataset> may contain any valid dataset options such as where=,
  %*       keep= and drop=.
  %*     <CatalogEntry>
  %*       A SOURCE catalog entry. Use either three-level or four-level.
  %*       If catalog entry is captured PROC text output the argument
  %*       should use the ~ prefix for best results.
  %*  Form 2:
  %*   <Dataset>|<CatalogEntry>
  %*     <Dataset>
  %*       A SAS data set or view to be placed in a Excel worksheet.
  %*       <Dataset> may contain any valid dataset options such as where=,
  %*       keep= and drop=.
  %*       The sheet will be named according to the dataset label.
  %*       If <Dataset> is unlabelled, then <Dataset> will be used.
  %*       There will be a header row of variable names.
  %*     <CatalogEntry>
  %*       A SOURCE catalog entry. Use either three-level or four-level name.
  %*       The worksheet name is the memname.entry part of the resolved
  %*       four-level name and will be ~ formatted.
  %* Perl executable
  %*   PERL=<host-path>
  %* Example, see bottom comment
  %* Caveats:
  %* Extraneous tables (layout and contents) needed by the Perl program
  %* are placed in the XML file.  If you try to use the XML generated
  %* by this macro in other XML processors, you will have some confusion.
  %* Some 'non-printable' characters in SAS character variables are
  %* translated to spaces.


  %let NOTES   = %sysfunc (getoption(NOTES));
  %let SOURCE  = %sysfunc (getoption(SOURCE));
  %let SOURCE2 = %sysfunc (getoption(SOURCE2));
  %let MPRINT  = %sysfunc (getoption(MPRINT));


  %local THIS VERSION;
  %local LIB MEM OBJ TYP;


  %let THIS = sas2xls;
  %let VERSION = 2003.11.18;

  %* Check for xmlappend macro;

  %if (not %sysfunc(exist(WORK.SASMACR.XMLAPPEND.MACRO, CATALOG))) %then %do;
    %put ERROR: &THIS: The required macro XMLAPPEND was not found.;
    %goto EndMacro;

  %* Check for perlpgm data;

  %if (not %sysfunc(exist(WORK.PERLPGM))) %then %do;
    %put ERROR: &THIS: The required data WORK.PERLPGM was not found.;
    %goto EndMacro;

  %* Check for XLS destination;

  %if (%superq(FILEREF) eq ) and (%superq(FILE) eq ) %then %do;
    %put ERROR: &THIS: FILEREF or FILE must be specified;
    %goto EndMacro;

  %if (%superq(FILEREF) ne ) and (%superq(FILE) ne ) %then %do;
    %put ERROR: &THIS: Specify FILEREF or FILE, not both;
    %goto EndMacro;

  %* Make sure that FILEREF specified has been previously assigned;

  %if (%superq(FILEREF) ne ) %then %do;
    %let FILE= ;
    %if (%sysfunc (fileref(&FILEREF)) > 0) %then
      %put ERROR: &THIS: Fileref &FILEREF is not assigned;

  %* Prepare to examine each parameter;

  %let I = 1;
  %let N = 0;

  %* Examine each value of each sheet<n> parameter;

  %do %while (&I <= 50);

    %if (%superq(SHEET&I) eq ) %then %goto NxtSheet;

    %* slip in a leading : so that a leading :
    %* is recognized as a blank;

    %let SHEET = :&&SHEET&I;
    %let SHEET = %sysfunc(tranwrd(&SHEET,::,: :));
    %let SHEET = %sysfunc(tranwrd(&SHEET,::,: :));

    %let PART1 = %scan (&SHEET,1,:);
    %let PART2 = %scan (&SHEET,2,:);
    %let PART3 = %scan (&SHEET,3,:);

    %if (%qsubstr (&PART1%str( ),1,1) eq %str(~)) %then %do;
      %let PART1 = %substr(&PART1%str( ),2);
      %let STYLE = MONO;
      %let STYLE = NORMAL;

    %if (%superq(PART1) eq) and
        (%superq(PART2) eq) and
        (%superq(PART3) eq)
    %then %do;
      %put ERROR: &THIS: SHEET&I=&&SHEET&I can not be parsed.;
      %put ERROR: &THIS: Continuing to next sheet;
      %goto NxtSheet;

    %if (%superq(PART2) ne ) and (%superq(PART3) eq ) %then %do;
      %put ERROR: &THIS: SHEET&I=&&SHEET&I can not be parsed.;
      %put ERROR: &THIS: Continuing to next sheet;
      %goto NxtSheet;

    %if (%superq(PART2) eq ) and (%superq(PART3) eq ) %then %do;
      %let DS = &PART1;
      %let HD = NAME;
      %let WN =;
    %else %do;
      %let WN = &PART1;
      %let HD = &PART2;
      %let DS = &PART3;

    %let dsid = %sysfunc (open (&DS));
    %if &dsid = 0 %then %do;
      %* not an openable dataset, check if its a catalog entry;
      %let LIB = %scan (&DS,1,.);
      %let MEM = %scan (&DS,2,.);
      %let OBJ = %scan (&DS,3,.);
      %let TYP = %scan (&DS,4,.);
      %if (%superq(OBJ) eq ) %then %let OBJ = ########;
      %if (%superq(TYP) eq ) %then %let TYP = OUTPUT;
      %let DS = &LIB..&MEM..&OBJ..&TYP;

      %if (not %sysfunc(exist(&DS, CATALOG))) %then %do;
        %put ERROR: &THIS: SHEET&I=&&SHEET&I does not appear to be;
        %put ERROR: &THIS:  an existing dataset or a catalog entry.;
        %put ERROR: &THIS: Continuing to next sheet;
        %goto NxtSheet;

      %let type = CATA;

      %if (%superq(WN) eq ) %then %let WN = &DS;

      %if (%superq(PART2) eq and %superq(PART3) eq ) %then %do;
        %let STYLE=MONO;
        %let HD = NONE;
    %else %do;
      %if (%superq(WN) eq ) %then
        %let WN = %sysfunc(attrc(&dsid,LIB)).%sysfunc(attrc(&dsid,MEM));

      %let dsid = %sysfunc (close (&dsid));
      %let type = DATA;

    %if (%superq(HD) eq ) %then %let HD = NAME;

    %let HD = %upcase (&HD);

    %if %sysfunc(index(|LABEL|NAME|NONE|,|&HD.|)) = 0 %then %do;
      %put ERROR: &THIS: SHEET&I=&&SHEET&I has invalid header row type;
      %put ERROR: &THIS: Continuing to next sheet;
      %goto NxtSheet;

    %let N = %eval (&N + 1);

    %* DS - Data Set, WN - Worksheet Name, HD - Header row type;
    %local DS&N WN&N HD&N TYPE&N STYLE&N;

    %let WN&N = &WN;
    %let HD&N = &HD;
    %let DS&N = &DS;
    %let TYPE&N = &TYPE;
    %let STYLE&N = &STYLE;

    %let I = %eval (&I+1);

  %* Check if any sheets indicated ;

  %if (&N = 0) %then %do;
    %put WARNING: &THIS: No sheets were indicated.;
    %goto EndMacro;

  %* Output the data as XML, a Perl program will read this XML and write an
  %* multisheet xls file based on the data
  %* Note: extraneous info (layout and contents) needed by the Perl program
  %* is placed in the XML file, and said file if used by other XML processors
  %* will result in confusion.;

  %local workpath dirsepp dirsep;
  %local random random2 random3;
  %local xmlfile pl_file xlsfile xmlfref;
  %local start finish;
  %local perlpgm perlrun;
  %local translate;

  %* directory separator;

  %let workpath = %sysfunc(pathname(WORK));
  %let dirsepp = %sysfunc(indexc(&workpath,\/));
  %let dirsep = %substr(&workpath, &dirsepp, 1);


  %let random  = %substr (%sysfunc (ranuni(0), 9.7), 3);
  %let random2 = %sysfunc(mod(%sysevalf(&random+1),1e7),z7.);
  %let random3 = %sysfunc(mod(%sysevalf(&random+2),1e7),z7.);

  %*let random  = sas2xls;
  %*let random2 = sas2xlx;
  %*let random3 = sas2xly;


  %let xmlfile = &workpath.&dirsep._&random..xml;
  %let pl_file = &workpath.&dirsep._&;
  %let xlsfile = &workpath.&dirsep._&random..xls;

  %if (%superq(file) ne ) %then
    %let xlsfile = &file;

  %* if any of these characters are present in an xml file,
  %* then Perl module XML::Simple will complain.
  %* the characters will be translated to spaces by the xmlappend macro.

  %let translate = &translate.010204050607080B0C0E0F;
  %let translate = &translate.101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F;
  %let translate = &translate.808182838485868788898A8B8C8D8E8F;
  %let translate = &translate.909192939495969798999A9B9C9D9E9F;

  %*----- create the xml file for the Perl program;

  %do i = 1 %to &N;

    %let start = 0;
    %let finish = 0;

    %if &i = 1 %then %let start=1;

    data _&random;
      data   = %sysfunc(quote(&&DS&i%str( )));
      sheet  = %sysfunc(quote(&&WN&i%str( )));
      header = %sysfunc(quote(&&HD&i%str( )));
      type   = %sysfunc(quote(&&TYPE&i%str( )));
      style  = %sysfunc(quote(&&STYLE&i%str( )));

    %* some layout meta data for the Perl program;

    %xmlappend (
    , data=_&random
    , out=_layout_&i
    , start=&start
    , finish=&finish

    %let start = 0;
    %let finish = 0;

    %* output the table or catalog entry as xml;

    %if &&type&i = DATA %then %do;

      proc contents noprint
        out=_&random(keep=name label varnum format);

      %xmlappend (
      , data=_&random
      , out=_contents_&i
      , start=&start
      , finish=&finish
      , translate=&translate

      %if &i = &N %then %let finish=1;

      %xmlappend (
      , data=&&DS&i
      , out=_data_&i
      , start=&start
      , finish=&finish
      , translate=&translate
    %else %do;
      filename _&random catalog "&&DS&i";
      data _&random;
        infile _&random;
        length line $1000;
        line = _infile_;
      filename _&random;

      proc contents noprint
        out=_&random2(keep=name label varnum);

      %xmlappend (
      , data=_&random2
      , out=_contents_&i
      , start=&start
      , finish=&finish
      , translate=&translate

      %if &i = &N %then %let finish=1;
      %xmlappend (
      , data=_&random
      , out=_data_&i
      , start=&start
      , finish=&finish
      , translate=&translate

      proc delete data=_&random2;

    proc delete data=_&random;

  %*----- write and run the Perl program;

  %let perlpgm = _&random;
  %let perlrun = _&random2;
  %let xmlfref = _&random3;

  filename &xmlfref "&xmlfile";
  filename &perlpgm "&pl_file";
  filename &perlrun PIPE "&PERL &pl_file &xmlfile &xlsfile";

  data _null_;
    set perlpgm;
    file &perlpgm ;
    len = length(source);
    put source $varying. len;

  data _null_;
    infile &perlrun;
    put _infile_;

  %if &deleteXML %then
  %let rc = %sysfunc (fdelete (&xmlfref));
  %let rc = %sysfunc (fdelete (&perlpgm));

  filename &xmlfref;
  filename &perlpgm;
  filename &perlrun;




* Create data set that holds perl program (required) ;

data perlpgm;
  source = _infile_;
use strict;
use XML::Simple;
use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel;
use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Utility;
use Data::Dumper;
use Cwd;

my $dir = cwd();
my $xmlfile = $ARGV[0];
my $xlsfile = $ARGV[1];

my $lib = XMLin($xmlfile,ForceArray=>[qr/^_(DATA|CONTENTS)_\d+$/]);

# Note: empty tags, <tag></tag>, become an empty hash, {}, when read by XMLin
# Thus, ref() tests are needed to determine this situation

#print Dumper($lib);

my $sheet_num = 1;

my $workbook  = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new($xlsfile);

while ($lib->{"_DATA_$sheet_num"}) {

    my $layout  = $lib->{"_LAYOUT_$sheet_num"};
    my ($format, $tformat, $dformat, $dtformat);
    my $R = 0;
    my $C = 0;
    my ($i,$j);

    my $worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet ($layout->{sheet});

    if ($layout->{style} eq 'MONO') {
      $format   = $workbook->add_format(font=>"Courier New");
      $tformat  = $workbook->add_format(font=>"Courier New");
      $dformat  = $workbook->add_format(font=>"Courier New");
      $dtformat = $workbook->add_format(font=>"Courier New");
    else {
      $tformat  = $workbook->add_format();
      $dformat  = $workbook->add_format();
      $dtformat = $workbook->add_format();
    $dtformat->set_num_format('dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss');

    my $vars = $lib->{"_CONTENTS_$sheet_num"};
    my ($varname, $varnum);
    my @columns;

    for ($i=0;$i<@$vars;$i++) {
      $varname = $vars->[$i]->{NAME};
      $varnum  = $vars->[$i]->{VARNUM};
      $columns[$varnum] = $i;

    # output header row of requested type

    if ($layout->{header} eq 'NAME') {
      for ($i=1;$i<@columns;$i++) {
        $worksheet->write($R,$C++,$vars->[$columns[$i]]->{NAME}, $format);
    elsif ($layout->{header} eq 'LABEL') {
      for ($i=1;$i<@columns;$i++) {
        my $value = !ref($vars->[$columns[$i]]->{LABEL})
                  ? $vars->[$columns[$i]]->{LABEL}
                  : $vars->[$columns[$i]]->{NAME}

    my $data = $lib->{"_DATA_$sheet_num"};

    for ($i=0;$i<@$data;$i++) {
      for ($j=1;$j<@columns;$j++) {
        my $colname = $vars->[$columns[$j]]->{NAME};
        my $colvalue
        = !ref($data->[$i]->{$colname})
             ? $data->[$i]->{$colname}
             : ''

        $_ = $colvalue;

        if ( /^(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)(\.\d*)$/ ) {
          $colvalue = (($1*60 + $2)*60 + $3 + $4) / 86400 ;
          $worksheet->set_column ($C-1,$C-1,7.5);
        elsif ( /^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)$/ ) {
          $colvalue = xl_date_list($1,$2,$3);
          $worksheet->set_column ($C-1,$C-1,11);
        elsif ( /^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)T(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)(\.\d*)$/ ) {
          $colvalue = xl_date_list($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6+$7);
          $worksheet->set_column ($C-1,$C-1,18.5);
        else {



Sample code


%include "\\extreme\macros\";

options nomprint;

options mprint notes;

filename pgm catalog 'work.test.rptprog.source';

data _null_;
  file pgm;
  put _infile_;
filename output catalog '';
proc printto print=output new;
options nocenter nodate nonumber;
proc print data=sashelp.class;
proc printto print=print;
filename output;


%include pgm;
filename pgm;

options mprint;

data foo;
    date format=date9. label='Todays Date'
    dt format=datetime16.
    x length=8 format=8.4
    y length=$200 label='Why is the question'
  do x = 0 to 255;
  y = put(x,3.)||byte(x)||'ABC';

proc sql;
  create table table
  as select
    datepart (crdate) as cr_date format=date9.
  , timepart (crdate) as cr_time format=time8.
  , *
  from dictionary.tables;

%sas2xls (
   , SHEET2=Libraries::SASHELP.VSLIB
   , SHEET3=A list of the A tables:Label:SASHELP.VSTABLE
            (WHERE=(MEMNAME LIKE 'A%'))
   , SHEET4=work.test.rptprog.source
   , SHEET6=:Label:WORK.FOO
   , SHEET7=:label:TABLE
   , deleteXML = 0

options noxwait noxsync;
x "c:\temp\_WEBOUT.xls";
options xwait xsync;