ROUTINE WinExec minarg=2 maxarg=2 stackpop=called returns=ushort module=Kernel32; arg 1 char input byaddr format=$CSTR200.; * LPCSTR lpCmdLine, // address of command line ; arg 2 num input byvalue format=pib4.; * UINT uCmdShow // window style for new application ; * SW_HIDE 0 ; * SW_SHOWNORMAL 1 ; * SW_NORMAL 1 ; * SW_SHOWMINIMIZED 2 ; * SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED 3 ; * SW_MAXIMIZE 3 ; * SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE 4 ; * SW_SHOW 5 ; * SW_MINIMIZE 6 ; * SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE 7 ; * SW_SHOWNA 8 ; * SW_RESTORE 9 ; * SW_SHOWDEFAULT 10 ; * SW_MAX 10 ; *****************************************************************************; * alternate definition for command lines upto 600 characters; routine WinExec maxarg=4 minarg=4 stackpop=called module=KERNEL32 returns=ushort ; arg 1 input char fdstart format=$char200.; * LPCSTR lpCmdLine, // address of command line ; arg 2 input char format=$char200.; arg 3 input char format=$cstr200.; arg 4 input num byvalue format=pib4.; * UINT uCmdShow // window style for new application ; *****************************************************************************;