
Richard A. DeVenezia

SAS Conferences
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2019 SASGF Exclusive Data Set Access in a Stored Process Web Application:
Macros for mutexes in Windows® OS
2017 SASGF The ODS EXCEL statement: Tips and Tricks for the TABULATE and REPORT Procedures
2012 NESUG What?? SAS/AF® & SCL Can Enhance Rapid Prototyping of Modern Web Development Efforts? (Coauthor: Joe Whitehurst, Art Tabachneck)
2012 SESUG SAS® Server Pages, <?sas and <?sas=
2011 SGF Building Provider Panels: An Application for the Hash of Hashes (Coauthor: Judy Loren)
2010 NESUG ODS Layout for RTF - A custom tagset
2010 SESUG ODS Layout for RTF - A custom tagset
2009 NESUG Using HASH to find a sum over a transactional path
2008 SESUG Tag Clouds - A list of tokens, sized by relative frequency
Rule based filtering - Categorizing unwanted inputs
JavaObj - the newest production component object
2008 VSUG SAS® Explorer: Use and Customization
2008 SGF Using CALL MODULE in SAS® on Linux, or
I get by with a little help from my friends (Coauthor: Judy Loren)
2007 NESUG Using CALL MODULE in SAS® on Linux, or
I get by with a little help from my friends (Coauthor: Judy Loren)
2007 SESUG Delivering Multi-Sheet Excel Reports from a Parameterized Stored Process (Coauthor: Harry Droogendyk)
2007 SGF SAS® and Sudoku (Coauthors: John R. Gerlach, Larry Hoyle, Talbot M. Katz, Rick Langston)
2006 SESUG Solving Jumble® Puzzles: Dictionaries, Hashes and Permutations
Using RANK() in Pass-through Queries to Oracle®
2006 NESUG SAS/AF® and Internet Explorer™: Capturing Web Forms Data Entry in Thick Client Applications
2005 NESUG SAS® Explorer: Use and Customization
2005 SUGI 30 Java in SAS®: JavaObj, a DATA Step Component Object
Tetris: SAS/AF® Considerations
Through the Looking Glass: Two Windows into SAS® (coauthored with Peter Eberhardt)
2004 SUGI 29 Greetings from the Edge: Using JavaObj in DATA Step (honorable mention)
2003 SESUG Greetings from the Edge: Using JavaObj in DATA Step
2001 SUGI 26 SAS/AF® Composite Class: A Detailed Example
1999 NESUG Using Context Sensitive Menus to Enter Values in a SAS/AF® Data Table Object
1996 NESUG Doing the impossible with FSEDIT and AF: How a screen and frame can be synchronized
1995 NESUG Spec Edit: Managing Revision Controlled Specifications
1994 SUGI 19 Unavailable Converting Mainframe Technical Information Resources: Two Case Studies
Co-authored with Kalman J. Gyimesi and Gregg Spindler
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Bezier PDF icon Bezier control points approximating a circular arc

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2002 SESUG PDF icon PPT icon The Magnificent DO Paul M. Dorfman