PAPER SOURCE - MANUAL ENVELOPE FEED LEGEND: Ec = [Ctrl] [P] [Esc] in DOS EDIT DEFINITION You can print an envelope using either the manual feed, envelope feed or envelope tray command. See your printer manual for more instructions when selecting an envelope tray. The following is a generic example,sending printer commands from DOS, in the manual feed mode. The printer position will move depending on the particular printer you are using. You may need to adjust the top and left margins accordingly. EXAMPLE The following is an example of printing manual feed envelopes, using Edit.The l is equivalent to a lower case L. EcE Printer Reset Ec&l81A Specifies Com-10 Envelope Ec&l2H Manual Feed Ec&l1O Landscape Ec&l12E Set top margin to 12 lines Ec&a35L Set left margin column 35 Name Type in Senders Name Street AddressType in Senders Address City, State Zip Text EcE Printer Reset (Eject Page) 1. While pressing [Alt], press [F] and then, press [P] 2. Press [Enter] 3. The printer will display ME FEED COM-10, 4. Insert the Envelope (See User's Manual for Instructions) 5. Press [ON-LINE] Copyright Hewlett-Packard Co. 1993 The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Hewlett-Packard shall not be liable for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the use of this material.