Legend:  Ec = [Ctrl][P][Esc] is DOS EDIT


     When a macro is executed, it begins performing its
     commands using the current modified print environment.
     Changes made to feature settings during macro execution
     are recorded in the modified print environment; these
     changes are retained upon completion of the macro


     The following commands create and enable the macro for
     later use by the printer:

     Command                       Function

     EcE                           Printer Reset

     Ec&f1Y                        Macro ID Number 1

     Ec&f0X                        Start Macro Definition

     Ec*p500x300Y                  Absolute Cursor Position
                                   500 dots in X, 300 dots
                                   in Y

     Macro Example                 Macro Text

     Ec&f1X                        Stop Macro Definition

     Ec&f10X                       Make Macro Permanent

     The following commands contain the Execute command that
     invokes the macro:

     Ec&f1y2X                      Combined printer command,
                                   Macro ID number 1,
                                   Execute macro

     Ec*p150x600Y                  Absolute cursor position
                                   150 dots in X, 600 dots
                                   in Y
     Ec(s1p60v0s0b4168T            Antique Olive font, 60
                                   point size

     Macros are fun!               Variable Text

     EcE                           Reset

          Note:  A reset will delete all
                 temporary macros, but not
                 permanent macros.

            Copyright  Hewlett-Packard Co. 1993
   The information contained herein is subject to change
                      without notice.
   Hewlett-Packard shall not be liable for incidental or
  consequential damages in connection with the use of this