USING SCALING EFFECTIVELY WHAT IS SCALING? In HP-GL/2, the standard units of measure are plotter units (plu). These units are equal to 1016 units per inch. Scaling allows you, the user, define an easier value to use. You can define a coordinate system that uses 1 unit per inch, centimeter, millimeter or just a rounder number such as 100, 200, 500, or 1000 units per inch. Overall, scaling lets you define an easier to calculate coordinate system. LEGEND: Ec = [Ctrl] [P] [Esc] in DOS EDIT EcE Resets printer. Ec%0B Enters HP-GL/2 mode using the default picture frame size and anchor point. IN; Initializes HP-GL/2 mode. IP0,0,2000,2000; Sets P1 to (0,0) and P2 to (2000,2000). SC0,10,0,10; Sets up user-unit scaling to range from (0,0) to (10,10). SP1; Selects pen number 1. Even though there is no physical pen, the SP command must be used to enable printing. PA5,5; Begins absolute plotting from the center of the square (5,5). CI3; Prints a circle with a radius of 3 user-units. IP2500,500,3500,1500; Inputs a new P1 and P2 position for printing a smaller circle. PA5,5; Begins absolute plotting from the center of the new square (5,5). CI3; Prints the second circle with a radius of 3 user- units. Ec%0A Enters PCL Mode. EcE Resets the printer to complete the job and eject the page. Copyright Hewlett-Packard Co. 1993 The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Hewlett-Packard shall not be liable for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the use of this material.