The BZ command or Bezier Absolute command draws bezier
     curves using absolute coordinates. It uses the current
     pen position as the first control point, and specifies
     the other three control points as absolute coordinates.
     For more information see the PCL 5 Printer Language
     Technical Reference Manual.

          Note:  The Bezier command is not
                 supported in any printers prior
                 to the LaserJet 4 printer.

     LEGEND: Ec = [Ctrl] [P] [Esc] in DOS EDIT

     EcE                           Resets the Printer.

     Ec%0B                         Enters HP-GL/2 mode.

     IN;                           Initializes HP-GL/2 mode.

     SP1;                          Selects pen number 1
                                   (black). Even though
                                   there is no physical pen,
                                   the SP command must be
                                   used to enable printing.

     PA1016,5080;                  Specifies the absolute
                                   point (1016,5080) as the
                                   starting location.

     PR;PD;                        Specifies relative
                                   plotting and puts the pen

     4064,8128,7112,7620,7112,2032;     Draws a Bezier using
                                   the current position
                                   (1016,5080) as the first
                                   control point. The
                                   specified control points
                                   for the first curve are
                                   (1016,8128), (5588,5080),
                                   and (4572,7112). The
                                   second curve uses the
                                   last control point of the
                                   previous curve as the
                                   first control point
                                   (45,7112). The other
                                   three control points for
                                   the second curve are
                                   (4064,8128), (7112,7620),
                                   and (7112,2032).

     Ec%0A                         Enters PCL mode.

     EcE                           Sends a reset to end the
                                   job and eject the page.

            Copyright  Hewlett-Packard Co. 1993
   The information contained herein is subject to change
                      without notice.
   Hewlett-Packard shall not be liable for incidental or
  consequential damages in connection with the use of this