A Windows console application by Richard A. DeVenezia.Send Feedback
Write a list of the installed TrueType fonts to standard out. Useful in batch applications, or in applications that don't have the ability to handle callbacks.
FontList.exe (9kb)
Sample usage:
C:\> FontList | Sort Andale Mono Anonymous Arial Arial Black ...
Delphi source
{* * Console application to list installed TrueType fonts on stdout * * Richard A. DeVenezia * 6Feb2005 *} program FontList; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses Windows; function EnumFontsProc ( var LogFont: TLogFont ; var TextMetric: TTextMetric ; FontType: Integer ; Data: Pointer ) : Integer; stdcall; begin if FontType = TRUETYPE_FONTTYPE then WriteLn (LogFont.lfFaceName); Result := 1; end; var LFont: TLogFont; begin EnumFontFamiliesEx(GetDC(0), LFont, @EnumFontsProc, 0, 0); end.