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- SAS Technical Support
- SAS Version 9 Documentation
- sasCommunity.org
- SAS-L: Google Groups (full of garbage)
- SAS-L: University of Georgia
- Post messages to SAS-L@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU, email must be registered via SUBSCRIBE or website.
- Post commands to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU, with blank subject line
- Humor
North East SAS Users Group - NESUG
- South East SAS Users Group - SESUG
- Lex Jansen's SAS conferences papers index
- Microsoft Office, MSDN Library
- HTML Elements and CSS properties at W3.org
- Stephen Le Hunte's "The HTML Reference Library"
- HTML Help by Web Design Group (WDG)
- Index DOT Css / Html
- VisiBone, Website Tips (Colors) {web archive}
- All things internet
- HoTMetaL Pro - alas no more
- CSS Eric Meyer
- Browsers:
- Apache
- Perl
Visual Studio
Visual Studio Code (editor only),
- Java
Apache Net Beans
- FullShot - Screen capture utility
- Beyond Compare - Compare, reconcile and synchronize files and folders in the file system, archives and remote sites
- Ultra Edit - World's best text editor?
- Nedit - A fast, compact Motif/X11 plain text editor
- GetRight - Download manager
- gif2png
- Proxomitron - Rewriting the web one page at a time
- Real VNC - Virtual Network Computing, server and viewer
- PuTTY - A free SSH and Telnet client
- MobaXterm - Enhanced terminal for Windows with X11 server, tabbed SSH client, network tools and much more
- JuiceSSH - Free SSH client for Android
- AutoHotkey - The ultimate automation scripting language for Windows.
- AutoIt - Automate the Windows GUI and general scripting
- Windows:
Ninotech Path Copy,
Path Copy Copy
Icon Snatcher
- Gibson Research - High-Quality, Super-Small and Super-Fast, Freely Downloadable Programs & Resources
- Zoomable Visual Transformation Machine - Create complex visual multi-scale editors that display and animate a large number of objects.
- Desmos - Explore math with Desmos. Graph functions, plot data, evaluate equations, explore transformations, and much more
- Domain name registration
- Site hosted by AO Industries
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