Using Context Sensitive Menus to Enter Values in a SAS/AF® Data Table Object

by Richard A. DeVenezia, Back to Home

This paper was presented October 3, 1999 at the NESUG 1999 conference in Washington, D.C.

Sample Application

Data table with context sensitive popmenu

Download the zip compressed sample application catalog:

NESUG99.SC2 - SAS 6.12 Catalog file: Windows Platform, zipped
NESUG99.CPT - SAS 6.12 Transport file: Any Platform, zipped

Instructions included with download:

NESUG 1999: Using Context Sensitive Menus to Enter Values in a SAS/AF® Data Table Object
Richard A. DeVenezia

The .zip file you downloaded should contain either Nesug99.sc2 or Nesug99.cpt

Nesug99.sc2 - Windows platform only
Drag the Nesug99.sc2 file to your SAS SASUSER folder.

Nesug99.cpt - Platform independent
Submit this stub to import the catalog
(assumes you extracted the file to C:\TEMP)

	proc cimport file='C:\TEMP\nesug99.cpt' lib=SASUSER;

In either case, once the SASUSER.NESUG99 catalog is in place
submit this stub to generate the sample data sets.

	%include SAMPLES;
	filename SAMPLES;

To run the application
submit this stub:      DM "AFA C=SASUSER.NESUG99.MAIN.FRAME";
or issue this command: AFA C=SASUSER.NESUG99.MAIN.FRAME

To see the context sensitive menu in action, right click over a cell in one
of theses columns:
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You can find additional SAS/AF samples here.

Copyright 2000 Richard A. DeVenezia
This page was last updated 19 April 2005.