Round Robin Tournament Scheduling

12 player Volleyball tourney

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Mark Salem(Guest)

  • Guest
on: December 25, 2005, 10:49:25 PM
I want to host a 12 player "King Of The Beach" Volleyball Tourney, a round robin inside a round robin.'


Each player is partnered once with each of the other 11 players and compete against another partnered pair.  Important to minimize the number of times any one player competes against any other player.

Any suggestions?

Sunday, May 29 2005, 01:26 am
Huntington Beach, CA

You want a Whist schedule. Each player is teamed with each player once. Each player competes against every other player twice.

(12, 1) v ( 5, 6)( 2,11) v ( 3, 9)( 4, 8) v ( 7,10)
(12, 2) v ( 6, 7)( 3, 1) v ( 4,10)( 5, 9) v ( 8,11)
(12, 3) v ( 7, 8)( 4, 2) v ( 5,11)( 6,10) v ( 9, 1)
(12, 4) v ( 8, 9)( 5, 3) v ( 6, 1)( 7,11) v (10, 2)
(12, 5) v ( 9,10)( 6, 4) v ( 7, 2)( 8, 1) v (11, 3)
(12, 6) v (10,11)( 7, 5) v ( 8, 3)( 9, 2) v ( 1, 4)
(12, 7) v (11, 1)( 8, 6) v ( 9, 4)(10, 3) v ( 2, 5)
(12, 8) v ( 1, 2)( 9, 7) v (10, 5)(11, 4) v ( 3, 6)
(12, 9) v ( 2, 3)(10, 8) v (11, 6)( 1, 5) v ( 4, 7)
(12,10) v ( 3, 4)(11, 9) v ( 1, 7)( 2, 6) v ( 5, 8)
(12,11) v ( 4, 5)( 1,10) v ( 2, 8)( 3, 7) v ( 6, 9)

More discussion at Social tournament for 12 players.  Happy Spiking.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2018, 09:41:45 AM by Richard A. DeVenezia »