Round Robin Tournament Scheduling

12 players, 7 rounds of 3 foursomes

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Richard Williams(Guest)

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on: December 31, 2005, 01:13:33 AM
Hi Richard,

I'm going on a golfing trip in a group of 12, to play 7 rounds as 3 teams of 4.

Is it possible to arrange the teams so that each player plays with any other given player no more than twice?

As each person will have 21 teammates over the course of the 7 rounds, logic says it may be possible to play with everybody twice and one person just once....but my trial and error has yet to prove it!

Tuesday, November 29 2005, 02:53 pm

Ian Wakeling

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Reply #1 on: December 31, 2005, 01:19:29 AM

At first glance it appears that it might be possible for no pair to play together more than twice, however for reasons similar to those that I have outlined in my message of Nov 1st it is not possible.  With 7 rounds you must have at least 3 pairs of players playing together three times.

But may be there is an alternative...  If you played the schedule below then after 6 rounds everybody would have played exactly twice with 9 out of the other 11 players and not at all with the other 2 players.

   1   (A B C D)  (E F G H)  (I J K L)
   2   (G H A J)  (K L E B)  (C D I F)
   3   (A F C L)  (E J G D)  (I B K H)
   4   (A B G L)  (E F K D)  (I J C H)
   5   (K D A J)  (C H E B)  (G L I F)
   6   (K H A F)  (C L E J)  (G D I B)
   7   (A E I) (B F J) (C G K) (D H L)

If in the final round you played 4 threesomes, then this mops up all 12 of the pairs that have not yet occured together.

Alternatively you could use round 7 as the assignment of the 12 players to four teams of three.  Then the first six rounds would constitute a tournament where each player played against all members of the other teams exactly twice.  If you wanted a 7th round in this case, you could run a play-off between the four teams.
-- Monday, December 5 2005, 01:30 am --

Hope that helps,


PS send me and e-mail if you want the first schedule I discussed.

Thursday, December 1 2005, 01:33 pm
« Last Edit: December 31, 2005, 01:40:49 AM by Ian »