Round Robin Tournament Scheduling

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Requests / Re: Round Robin Generator
« Last post by Pickleballer on March 27, 2025, 02:39:22 PM »
The reason for 6 games is that we're limited to a 2 hour block of time.  I have up to 6 courts available based on how many players sign up.  For example, if I have 23 players, we'll use 5 courts and have 3 byes for each game.  I realize that not all players will play 6 games.  This is not a tournament.  This is for daily play in an active adult community.  The idea is to play with and against as many players as possible within the 6 games.
Requests / Re: Round Robin Generator
« Last post by Ian Wakeling on March 27, 2025, 04:04:32 AM »
I am not aware of any generator that will help you with this.  There is also a problem, as when there is an odd number of players, exactly 6 games per player will not be possible as some people must have more or less than 6 games.  I might be able to offer solutions for a few scenarios, but can you say a little more about the format of play, in particular is there only one court to play on? Or do you have as many as 6 courts, in which case you could have rounds where 24 people play simultaneously.
Requests / Round Robin Generator
« Last post by Pickleballer on March 26, 2025, 04:53:55 PM »
I manage a doubles pickleball round robin that could have between 6 and 27 players.  There are 6 games in the round robin.  Players should partner with another player no more than once and should play against as many other players as possible.  It would be preferable, but not required to play on both sides of the net 3 times.  How do I go about setting this up?  Thanks.
Requests / Re: League with some teams played twice and others once
« Last post by Ian Wakeling on March 26, 2025, 04:22:25 AM »
Have you seen my Excel file here?  If you ask it for 17 teams in home/away format and a double round robin, then, if I have understood correctly, you will get something close to what you want, you would need to drop the last 4 rounds.
Requests / League with some teams played twice and others once
« Last post by detmot on March 23, 2025, 03:11:44 PM »

Can you help with the following criteria?

17 teams - 12 teams played home and away, the other 4 played 2 home and 2 away
28 games for each team over 30 rounds, so each team has 2 byes
16 teams play in each round, therefore a maximum of 1 bye team per round
As far as possible, teams to have alternate home and away games

Thanks for any help you can offer.
Requests / Re: Balanced Tournament
« Last post by Calteq on March 18, 2025, 04:32:35 AM »
Thx for the prompt response

What you are talking about is way above my pay scale but I will do a bit of research based on your recommendation

Thx again
Requests / Re: Balanced Tournament
« Last post by Ian Wakeling on March 17, 2025, 04:21:11 AM »
Unfortunately, the spreadsheet does not make schedules like the one above - it is called a Howell Design and is generally possible for an even number of players 2n on a square grid with s rows and s columns - where s=n is the minimum size grid (no empty cells) and s=2n-1 is the maximum size grid (this includes all possible games exactly once). I am not aware of anything that you can use to make these schedules, but you are welcome to ask me to make some for you.
Requests / Balanced Tournament
« Last post by Calteq on March 17, 2025, 03:18:34 AM »

I have only just found this forum :D

Thx for this spreadsheet

I have used it (the programming) to produce fixtures for Bowls Club Fixtures
(I can post the Spreadsheet if required)
I noticed with interest your reply to InnesW20

>>>>> Reply #3 on: February 22, 2025, 12:13:45 AM

The more venues there are, the easier things get.  With 6 venues you can have:

(H A) (---) (F G) (B C) (---) (D E)
(---) (H B) (---) (F E) (D G) (A C)
(E G) (D F) (H C) (---) (A B) (---)
(---) (A E) (---) (H D) (F C) (B G)
(F B) (C G) (D A) (---) (H E) (---)
(D C) (---) (B E) (A G) (---) (H F)

how is this acheived with the Round Robin spreadsheet?

Requests / Re: 21 person euchre rotation table
« Last post by Ian Wakeling on February 27, 2025, 04:23:09 AM »
Sorry, should have explained about that.  Start with the "solution for 13 players" which has the full schedule - note that player zero has the bye in round 1 and that the rounds are generated from the first round by cycling through the numbers 0 to 12 and then back to 0.  For 21 players all you are given is the first round, so you need add zero for the bye and then cycle through 0 to 20, generating  a total of 21 rounds.
Requests / Re: 21 person euchre rotation table
« Last post by kslates on February 26, 2025, 08:36:27 AM »
I am not sure how to use that chart. Nowhere does it have #21 in the rotation