Round Robin Tournament Scheduling

2v2 King of the Beach, 9-15 players, max 7 matches

Kobster2 · 4 · 5763


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on: August 05, 2017, 11:50:10 AM
I'm organizing a weekly 2vs2 King of the Beach tournament with 9-15 players, but since we only have a limited amount of time I want everyone to only play a maximum of 7 matches and therefore only matchup with (max) 7 different people.

9-11 players would play on 2 courts, 12-15 players on 3 courts

I've tried a lot but I'm having a hard time figuring that one out, so I'd appreciate any kind of help. Thank you!


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Reply #1 on: August 06, 2017, 07:25:51 AM
Is it correct that with 9,11,13,15 players I can only set it up that everyone either plays 4 or 8 matches and with 10,12,14,16 players everyone plays 6 matches?

Ian Wakeling

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Reply #2 on: August 06, 2017, 10:37:57 AM
I am guessing you want rounds of play where there is a match on each available court, and you also want each player to participate in the same number of matches.  Even these simple constraints severely limit the options.  For example:

9 players & 2 courts, and 13 players and 3 courts, there is one bye per round, so you must play the same number of rounds as there are players to give everyone the same number of matches.

10 players & 2 courts. 5 rounds gives 4 matches and 1 bye per player, while 10 rounds gives 8 matches and 2 byes per player.

11 players & 2 courts, 11 rounds is the only real option and will give everyone 8 matches and 3 byes.

With 12 players & 3 courts, there are no byes, and you have the option of playing part or all of a whist schedule (follow the schedules link near the top of this page and hit 'Whist' and '12 items').

14 players & 3 courts. 7 rounds gives 6 matches and 1 bye per player.
15 players & 3 courts.  10 rounds gives 8 matches and 2 byes per player.
16 players & 3 courts.  4 rounds gives 3 matches and 1 bye per player. 8 rounds gives 6 matches and 2 byes per player.

So my advice would be to target these specific scenarios.


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Reply #3 on: August 06, 2017, 12:51:13 PM
thanks a lot, that really helps  :) :)