Round Robin Tournament Scheduling

10 team Round robin on 6 courts problem

Number34 · 3 · 5021


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on: June 19, 2019, 08:32:13 AM
looking for a balanced tournament that makes sure that out of the 9 matches per team they play on each court at least once (but only once on 1 or 6) and no more than twice on courts 2 to 5. Have tried adjusting the 10 team 5 courts solution but failed!

Ian Wakeling

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Reply #1 on: June 19, 2019, 01:05:36 PM
I think the following will work if your 10 teams are called A to J.

 C1    C2    C3    C4    C5    C6
(---) (E J) (F C) (I G) (B A) (H D)
(B F) (I D) (A E) (H C) (J G) (---)
(---) (B H) (E D) (I F) (J C) (A G)
(H J) (E G) (I C) (B D) (A F) (---)
(---) (A C) (B I) (J D) (H G) (E F)
(G C) (A I) (B J) (H E) (D F) (---)
(---) (D C) (A H) (F G) (B E) (J I)
(A D) (B G) (J F) (E C) (H I) (---)
(E I) (H F) (D G) (A J) (---) (B C)

Above there is one empty court for each of 9 rounds (rows). I have have chosen to alternate the empty slots on courts 1 and 6, but other solutions would be possible.  Hope that helps.


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Reply #2 on: June 19, 2019, 02:36:16 PM
Ian, that is a great help. I failed because I was only keeping 1 or  6 free.