Hi Cindi,
Regarding Option 1 - I am not sure if this can be solved or not. I have tried a few things and I can find 9 rounds with the basic properties that you ask for; that is to say different partners, and once or twice for opponents. I can't find anything similar for 8 rounds. The 2nd part to your question about variety is hard, certainly what you want is impossible unless there are 4 or more courts, and 16 or more players. However, I can see that it may be possible to have a schedule for 12 players where no more than 3 pairs of players who have played together on a court in one round, play together in the next round. The completion to 11 rounds is a harder problem still, and I can't really offer an useful suggestions.
For Option 2 all I can suggest is that you try mixed doubles schedules. Split the players into two ability groups based on ranks, then consider one group to be men and the other women and play a mixed doubles schedule, this will make sure that every partnership consists of one player from each ability group. You will be limited to fewer than 8 rounds, but that is a natural consequence of saying that you don't want certain pairs of players to partner, as they would either be too weak or too strong. Turning this around, you could approach the problem by first deciding which parnterships were allowed, and then try to construct a schedule from them.
Here is the 9 round schedule that I mentioned for option 1. It is interesting to note that it cannot be completed into an 11 round schedule since the partnerships (1 2) (1 3) and (2 3) are yet to be played, and no two of them can occur together in a valid round of play.
( 5 10 v 3 9) ( 4 2 v 7 6) (1 11 v 8 12)
( 6 11 v 1 7) ( 5 3 v 8 4) (2 12 v 9 10)
( 4 12 v 2 8) ( 6 1 v 9 5) (3 10 v 7 11)
(11 4 v 3 12) (10 8 v 6 9) (7 2 v 1 5)
(12 5 v 1 10) (11 9 v 4 7) (8 3 v 2 6)
(10 6 v 2 11) (12 7 v 5 8) (9 1 v 3 4)
( 8 11 v 9 2) ( 6 3 v 1 12) (7 5 v 4 10)
( 9 12 v 7 3) ( 4 1 v 2 10) (8 6 v 5 11)
( 7 10 v 8 1) ( 5 2 v 3 11) (9 4 v 6 12)