Round Robin Tournament Scheduling

12 Person Golf Trip

roeqhi · 2 · 3532


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on: February 21, 2022, 09:48:04 PM
Hello out there!  My buddies and I are planning a trip and despite my mediocre math abilities, I can figure it out. Here are the stats:
12 people
4 rounds
2v2 pairings
Each round different partner
Each round ideally different opponents, maximizing possibilities and touch points

I realize with the 12 people and the limited rounds, it's not going to be perfect.  Just close is close enough for me.  Thanks so much for anyone taking the time to assist!

Ian Wakeling

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Reply #1 on: February 22, 2022, 12:52:31 PM
With this set up, it will be inevitable that some players do not meet.  I suggest the following:

  (5  6 v 9 12) ( 4  8 v  3  1) ( 2 10 v 11  7)
  (9  4 v 2 12) ( 6 11 v  7  3) ( 5 10 v  8  1)
  (9  5 v 3 11) ( 7  8 v 12  4) (10  1 v  2  6)
  (7  1 v 9  3) (12  8 v  2 11) (10  6 v  5  4)

which has the property that all of a player's 8 opponents are different.

Hope that helps.