Hi Ian,
thanks ever so much for your suggestions in my other tread,I need your wonderful help again, if I may?
do you have any ideas if those problem below can be solved or if they are covered in "The CRC Handbook of Combinatorial Designs" book?
1)foursome pairings for a total of 40 players, Each trio players, plays with all 39 possible partners exactly once,and every two players plays with all 39 possible partners exactly 19 times with 247 rounds?
2)foursome pairings for a total of 52 players, Each trio players plays with all 51 possible partners exactly once,and every two players plays with all 51 possible partners exactly 25 times with 425 rounds?
3)fivesome pairings for a total of 50 players, Each trio players plays with all 49 possible partners exactly once,and every two players plays with all 49 possible partners exactly 16 times with 196 rounds? I know it sounds crazy but do you think this is possible
to solve? If you can provideor suggestion for one round, I can manage to finish it hopefully?
I'll be very greatful if you could shed light to any one of those problem.
Thanks in advance for your help or suggestions.