Round Robin Tournament Scheduling

urgent request for format

Highley · 2 · 6524


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on: July 07, 2012, 08:28:34 AM
This game is similar to horseshoes.  However I will describe what kind of format I need.
I have 20 (or possibly 22 or 26) players.  Each player needs to play against and with another player and play at a different spot (rotation through)  to make it fair. There are no teams in scoring, however you play as a team for the rounds and each individual gets a point if they win the round.  So, for example, I have player 1 and 2 playing 3 and 4, 5 and 6 playing 7 and 8, 9 and 10 playing 11, 12 and so on players 21, 22, 23, 24 will have a bye (this is with a 24 player format).  
4 people will have a bye each round because I only have 5 playing fields.  Next round will be 1 and 3 play 7 and 9, etc.  
 Caps is an outdoor game, similar to horseshoes but it is portable - that's it in a nutshell.  
So recap - 20 players, 5 playing fields, and I need each person to play with and against another individual but always moving through the fields to make it all fair. Then 22 players, 2 players each round will get a buy, and lastly 26 players with 6 having a bye.

I am really hoping to get this this morning because I have the format for 24 but not for the other amounts and I have learned that I am at either 20, 22 or if a bunch come out of town 26...and you guessed it my tourney starts at 1!!

Ian Wakeling

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Reply #1 on: July 09, 2012, 08:19:28 AM
Have been away, so I guess I am too late for this.  Actually the software I used to come up with 24 player solution is not totally flexible in the number of rounds so I may not have been able to offer much help anyway.   The 20 players problem is much more approachable if there are only 10 rounds - then I can find the following:

(17 11 v 13 6) (3 18 v 16 12) (15 5 v 9 4) (1 7 v 8 20) (19 2 v 10 14)
(18 12 v 14 7) (4 19 v 17 13) (11 1 v 10 5) (2 8 v 9 16) (20 3 v 6 15)
(19 13 v 15 8) (5 20 v 18 14) (12 2 v 6 1) (3 9 v 10 17) (16 4 v 7 11)
(20 14 v 11 9) (1 16 v 19 15) (13 3 v 7 2) (4 10 v 6 18) (17 5 v 8 12)
(16 15 v 12 10) (2 17 v 20 11) (14 4 v 8 3) (5 6 v 7 19) (18 1 v 9 13)
(7 3 v 1 20) (4 6 v 9 15) (8 19 v 18 11) (5 14 v 13 16) (17 12 v 2 10)
(8 4 v 2 16) (5 7 v 10 11) (9 20 v 19 12) (1 15 v 14 17) (18 13 v 3 6)
(9 5 v 3 17) (1 8 v 6 12) (10 16 v 20 13) (2 11 v 15 18) (19 14 v 4 7)
(10 1 v 4 18) (2 9 v 7 13) (6 17 v 16 14) (3 12 v 11 19) (20 15 v 5 8)
(6 2 v 5 19) (3 10 v 8 14) (7 18 v 17 15) (4 13 v 12 20) (16 11 v 1 9)

where players play exactly twice on each field, all partners are different, all possible opponents occur at least once, and at most twice.   In a similar fashion I would prefer 11 rounds for 22 players and 13 rounds for 26 players, which I could look at if there is still interest.