I have made a tournament for 12 local soccer teams the past 2 years, where we have been divided into 2 groups of 6 teams, and played each other 2 times and then in the end we played number 1 group 1 against number 2 group 2, and so on..
The thing that made it a bit tricky was that it was hosted 2 different places and each time you only played 2 matches.
My problem is now that I want to create a round robin tournament for the same 12 teams BUT I want it to be placed 2 different places using 2 lanes each time and only 2 matches per round so 3 teams play 1 lane and 3 other teams play another lane.
And the difficult thing is making so you dont drive just to play 1 match and and then the other match at another stadium.
But it is okay to switch so you play from Stadium 1 lane 1 to stadium 1 lane 2 but not stadium 2 lane 1 and then stadium 1 lane 1 etc...
Round 1
Stadium 1 Stadium 2
(Lane 1-2) (Lane 1-2)
1-2 4-5 7-8 10-11
2-3 6-5 8-9 11-12
1-3 4-5 9-7 12-10(or any combo using Stadium 1 lane 1 and 2, team 1-6) but not 1-7 or 2-12. (1-6 ok and 7-12 ok) not mix
I know that in Round 6 you only will play 1 tournament match (so in general you only play 1 match, and in the other 5 you played 2 matches, but we will arrange a friendly match for each, which will have no affect on the tournament so we dont drive 50km for only 1 game
I know this is possibel, BUT I have tried many times now and failed miserably each time, as it simply gets to hard for me to overlook...
Please help me make it complete...
And make about 120 kids in Denmark happy