It is known that no six round schedule, which meets your 'only one time' criterion can exist, and even if it did, it would only cover 18 out of the 19 possible opponents... unless you have room on the box for 5 players, in which case you can do it with a sixth round of fivesomes.
(4 16 8 15) (1 7 11 19) (14 2 9 18) ( 6 12 3 17) (13 5 10 20)
(5 17 9 11) (2 8 12 20) (15 3 10 19) ( 7 13 4 18) (14 1 6 16)
(1 18 10 12) (3 9 13 16) (11 4 6 20) ( 8 14 5 19) (15 2 7 17)
(2 19 6 13) (4 10 14 17) (12 5 7 16) ( 9 15 1 20) (11 3 8 18)
(3 20 7 14) (5 6 15 18) (13 1 8 17) (10 11 2 16) (12 4 9 19)
(1 2 3 4 5) (6 7 8 9 10) (11 12 13 14 15) (16 17 18 19 20)
An alternative would be to eliminate the lowest scoring player from each fivesome before the sixth round, as I imagine that, given your proposed scoring system, it is most likely that the lowest scoring player in a fivesome will no longer be able to add enough points to reach the top 8.