Round Robin Tournament Scheduling

Mixed Doubles Round Robin - Large Group

vertical23 · 3 · 7451


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on: May 24, 2017, 07:40:09 PM

I'm running a mixed doubles round robin tennis tournament with 48 people (ideally).  Half will be men, half will be women.  The main point of the event is for every man to play a match with every woman, and vice versa.  It is NOT required they play on the same team.  As long as they play in a game with each person from the opposite sex, the requirement is met.  It is NOT mandatory that every man plays a match with every other man, and vice versa.  If a man plays with the same man more than once, this is definitely OK.  

Ideally, we will have 12 courts running simultaneously with 12 rounds overall.  We can offer more courts if needed but it must be done in 12 rounds or less.  Is this possible to do?  

Alternatively, we could break the large group into smaller subgroups and rotate people after they've met everyone in this smaller group.  Example - run 4 subgroups of 12 people simultaneously.  In each subgroup, the 6 men meet the 6 women over 3 rounds while using 3 courts.  Once all 4 subgroups of 12 have completed their 3 rounds, we mix people into new 12 person subgroups that have people from the opposite sex they haven't played with yet.  Again, they play 3 rounds on 3 courts and meet everyone from the opposite sex.  This process is then repeated 2 more times until all 24 men have played all 24 women.  

I haven't started selling tickets yet so I can dictate the number of people we invite.  If there's a number that's close to 48 that works better, I'm definitely up for suggestions.  If anyone can figure this out, it would be AMAZINGLY helpful!  


Ian Wakeling

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Reply #1 on: May 25, 2017, 01:54:50 AM

Yes, this is possible without the sub-groups.  Have a look at this old thread and download my Excel file using the paper-clip link.  You can use the schedule from the 48 player worksheet.  It's presented in a format suitable for Golf foursomes, however with a little modification it will work for mixed doubles.  For example the 2nd foursome in the 1st round is :

(A2 A19 B4 B21)

convert A to M, B to F, and take the columns in the order 1, 4, 2, 3 to obtain the mixed doubles game

(M2 F21) v (M19 F4)

Apply the same conversion to all foursomes to obtain the 12 round, 12 court schedule.  This will meet your main criterion of every man to play with every woman, and vice versa.  In addition, all same sex opponents will be different, and all players play exactly once on each court.

If you have information on the ability of the players, then see the note on the 1st worksheet.  So you would assign M1-M12 and F1-F12 as the best 12 players of each sex, and end up with games where there is no particularly strong or particularly weak partnerships.

Hope that helps,



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Reply #2 on: May 25, 2017, 02:45:40 AM
I am stunned!  Not only did that help, it basically changed my life!!!  I can't believe how perfect this is.  You offered an extra feature I hadn't even considered, gave matchup scenarios for different sized large groups, and made it possible for same sex players to meet everyone as well.  This is incredible!  

I have been searching the web for hours trying to come up with solutions.  Nothing I found was a fraction as good as this.  Thank you!!
