With 16 players and more than 5 rounds you can reuse the 1st 5 rounds, but randomly reassign the player names to the player numbers, so it's unlikely that you end up with the same 4 people sitting at a table. Or even better you could use part of the
schedule here (see my reply #1) that guarantees that the same 3 people never sit together.
For lower numbers of players, in general when there are fewer tables than players at a single table, then it is not possible to play 2 rounds without having some pairs of players oppose each other twice. In these instances the best solution will depend on the number of rounds, however the problem will be small enough that a computer search by LP, GA, etc should work well.
Byes add another layer of complexity - to balance the byes you need a specific number of rounds. In the case of 13 players, the 13 round whist tournament (ignoring the 2-v-2 aspect) is best.
The n=10, m=13 schedule came from
this paper by Kageyama. Which also answers your other question about RBIBDs being the right thing to look for.