Round Robin Tournament Scheduling

round robin golf tounament

JDSpalding · 3 · 4589


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on: March 07, 2007, 05:32:15 PM
Every year, I put on a 7 day golf tournament that usually includes 24 participants.    I have attempted to find a method in which I can schedule it so that all 24 guys play with 3 different players every day.....Sadly, we can't even come close to getting this to work out, yet it should be able to be done...... Can it be done that everyone gets a chance to play with the other 23 in our group over the course of the 7 days?

Ian Wakeling

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Reply #1 on: March 08, 2007, 02:50:17 AM
Yes, it is possible to arrange it so that each participant meets 21 different opponents over the 7 days.  Have a look at this topic about a bridge tournament that is essentially the same problem.  Don't miss the footnote that gives the triples of players who never meet, these could be used to assign players to 8 teams of 3, such that players meet all others on opposing teams, but never meet their own team-mates.


PS. I have moved your message here as replies are not possible in the guestbook area.


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Reply #2 on: March 08, 2007, 08:05:53 AM
    I cannot express enough my appreciation for the assistance!!!!!!!!!  I will now be able to have all the guys play each other once in our 7 day tournament each year!!!!!!!!  Not sure how you did it, but it sure has made my life easier..Thanks again!!!!!!!!!!!