Last time I think it may have been 10 couples, as I made
this schedule.
I have tweaked the software used to find the 10 couple schedule and it gives me the following 12 couple solution:
(w7 h6 w12 h11) (w8 h1 h2 w9 ) (h12 w6 h10 w4) (w1 h5 h8 w3 ) (w5 w2 h3 h4 ) (h7 w11 h9 w10)
(h8 w7 w2 h10 ) (w9 h5 h12 w11) (w1 h2 h7 w6 ) (h3 h11 w4 w8 ) (h9 h6 w5 w3 ) (w12 h1 h4 w10)
(w12 w2 h5 h7 ) (h10 w11 w3 h2) (w9 w4 h6 h8 ) (w5 w6 h1 h11 ) (w7 w8 h9 h4 ) (h12 w10 w1 h3)
(w1 h11 h9 w2 ) (w12 h3 w9 h10) (w3 w4 h1 h7 ) (h12 w5 w7 h2 ) (h8 h4 w11 w6) (w8 h5 w10 h6 )
I believe that no two players play together more than once and that the schedule has the spouse avoiding property requested.