Round Robin Tournament Scheduling

Doubles tennis round robin with new partners

rossj_au · 2 · 6277


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on: November 22, 2008, 01:18:37 AM
Hi we play mixed doubles round robin and try and have different partners each set. Also we try and mix it all up so everyone plays against someone new.  The problem is we have between 8 to 20 people turn up each week.
Is it possible to have a print out with all these possibilities without having to bring a computer?
We play mainly 4 to 5 sets of tennis.
We don't mind if odd numbers have to sit out...
Hope you can help
Oh also we have a number of courts that we can use at any one time
« Last Edit: November 22, 2008, 01:48:55 AM by rossj_au »

Ian Wakeling

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Reply #1 on: November 23, 2008, 04:29:16 AM
Unless you have a multiple of 4 players, with half male and half female, you are unlikely to find anything off-the-shelf.  So most of the time I think the computer may be your only option. Actually I would be interested to know what software you use and perhaps see an example of a schedule it can generate.

There is one schedule that I am aware of that may be useful if you have 16 players and play 4 sets.  This has optimal social balance since each player gets to play with all 8 players of the opposite gender (4 as partners and the other 4 as opponents).

(M1 F1 v M2 F3) (M5 F2 v M7 F5) (M3 F4 v M6 F7) (M4 F6 v M8 F8)
(M1 F2 v M3 F6) (M4 F1 v M5 F7) (M7 F3 v M8 F4) (M2 F5 v M6 F8)
(M1 F4 v M4 F5) (M3 F3 v M5 F8) (M6 F1 v M7 F6) (M2 F2 v M8 F7)
(M1 F7 v M7 F8) (M4 F2 v M6 F3) (M2 F4 v M5 F6) (M3 F1 v M8 F5)
« Last Edit: November 23, 2008, 04:31:24 AM by Ian »