Round Robin Tournament Scheduling

Eucher Tournament

Kep · 3 · 6811


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on: February 13, 2009, 02:29:14 PM
I am looking for assistance in setting up a schedule for a 16 player eucher tournament - however, there are 8 females and 8 males. There are 4 tables and there will be 8 rounds for the tournament. Each team will have one male and one female as partners, but no one can be paired with the same opposite sex partner. Thus each male will play as a team member with each female and each female will have a different male partner throughout the tournament. It doesn't matter if males (or females) are playing against each other more than once, just that you can't have the same opposite sex partner more than once  - any idea how can this be done?

 :) Thanks!


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Reply #1 on: February 13, 2009, 02:49:32 PM
Sounds like fun - I am having a party this week-end and I have 20 people - but we do not care if it is male or female playing against one another - We are only playing 15 games - so we will not be playing everyone - it would take all night - We are not starting until 6:30 pm

Ian Wakeling

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Reply #2 on: February 13, 2009, 03:35:32 PM
Please have a look at this post which gives a spouse avoiding mixed doubles schedule.  It should work well for your tournament.