Just looking at one half, there are two extremes. If 14 never plays on Saturday, each other team will play 4 times on that day. If 14 always plays on Saturday, other teams will play 3 times. I don't think you can get a perfect schedule, but you can put 14's games usually on a Sunday and randomly choose 3 or 4 times per half to play that game on Saturday. Since it is a double round robin, you might be able to balance this to some extent in the 2nd half. Good luck!
Rd: Pairings:
1: 1-14 8-7 13-2 9-6 12-3 10-5 11-4
2: 14-8 2-1 7-9 3-13 6-10 4-12 5-11
3: 2-14 9-8 1-3 10-7 13-4 11-6 12-5
4: 14-9 3-2 8-10 4-1 7-11 5-13 6-12
5: 3-14 10-9 2-4 11-8 1-5 12-7 13-6
6: 14-10 4-3 9-11 5-2 8-12 6-1 7-13
7: 4-14 11-10 3-5 12-9 2-6 13-8 1-7
8: 14-11 5-4 10-12 6-3 9-13 7-2 8-1
9: 5-14 12-11 4-6 13-10 3-7 1-9 2-8
10: 14-12 6-5 11-13 7-4 10-1 8-3 9-2
11: 6-14 13-12 5-7 1-11 4-8 2-10 3-9
12: 14-13 7-6 12-1 8-5 11-2 9-4 10-3
13: 7-14 1-13 6-8 2-12 5-9 3-11 4-10