I found the printyourbracket.com site and looked at the 12 player RR and couldn't decipher it either. If
none of the 2nd round games have been played, this might work. Renumber your teams as follows:
1-> 1, 2-> 14, 3-> 8, 4-> 2, 5->9, 6->3, 7->10, 8->5, 9->12, 10->6, 11->13, 12-> 7, new1->4, new2->11
Use this table:
13 or 14 players
Rd Pairings
1: 1-14 8-7 13-2 9-6 12-3 10-5 11-4
2: 14-8 2-1 7-9 3-13 6-10 4-12 5-11
3: 2-14 9-8 1-3 10-7 13-4 11-6 12-5
4: 14-9 3-2 8-10 4-1 7-11 5-13 6-12
5: 3-14 10-9 2-4 11-8 1-5 12-7 13-6
6: 14-10 4-3 9-11 5-2 8-12 6-1 7-13
7: 4-14 11-10 3-5 12-9 2-6 13-8 1-7
8: 14-11 5-4 10-12 6-3 9-13 7-2 8-1
9: 5-14 12-11 4-6 13-10 3-7 1-9 2-8
10: 14-12 6-5 11-13 7-4 10-1 8-3 9-2
11: 6-14 13-12 5-7 1-11 4-8 2-10 3-9
12: 14-13 7-6 12-1 8-5 11-2 9-4 10-3
13: 7-14 1-13 6-8 2-12 5-9 3-11 4-10
Good luck!