Round Robin Tournament Scheduling

Darts Mixed Doubles (rotating partners) - 4 game draw

spook · 2 · 4235


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I am looking for assistance in creating the following tournament schedules for my Weekly Club Darts night:

Need schedules for each of the following situations:  
31 players - 6 boards
32 players - 6 boards
33 players - 6 boards
34 players - 6 boards
35 players - 6 boards
36 players - 7 boards
40 players - 7 boards

- All players exactly 4 games
- Rotating partners each game 
- Never partner with same player more than once
- Never play against same opposition player more than once
- Players will be ranked, so assignment of partners for player 1 should follow pattern of 1-16, 1-15, 1-14,1-13 (where possible) to minimize pairs consisting of 2 high ranked players (i.e. 1-4)
- Each game needs to be assigned a scorer (player who doesn't play that round)
- Each player only scores one game a night

Any assistance you could offer would be great - I would like to build a spreadsheet template and make it foolproof so that all members can use.

Ian Wakeling

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Reply #1 on: June 04, 2023, 11:41:38 AM
I don't have any software that will generate suitable schedules for you - in particular I have nothing that will help with your requirement to consider the ranks of the four players in each game.  Nevertheless, I have attempted to make a schedule for the first situation that you list - this is actually the easiest for me.

    Board A        Board B        Board C        Board D        Board E        Board F                 Scorers/Byes
                                                                                                   A  B  C  D  E  F Bye
(19 12 v  6 27) (14 13 v 20  3) (31 16 v  4 11) (28 10 v  1 29) (24 22 v 30 23) (21  9 v  8 25)  [ 2  5  7 15 17 18 26]
(23 27 v 20  1) (17 16 v  8 15) (25 13 v  2  5) (11  3 v 26 18) (10 21 v 19 31) ( 7  6 v 14 24)  [ 9 12 22 28 29 30  4]
(26 24 v 20 31) ( 2 12 v 17 28) ( 6 21 v  3  1) (25 22 v 19 29) ( 5 27 v 30  9) (18 10 v  7 15)  [ 4  8 11 13 16 23 14]
(29  8 v  6 31) ( 7  4 v 17 25) (23 26 v 14  5) (18 13 v 28 19) ( 2  3 v 16 30) (15 11 v  9 12)  [ 1 10 20 21 24 27 22]
(28  4 v  9 23) (17 24 v 29 21) (11  7 v 22  2) (15 30 v 26  1) (13 10 v 12  8) ( 5 16 v 20 18)  [ 3  6 14 19 25 31 27]
( 4 14 v 22 27) [scored by 26]