hello, I'm a newbie here .. I found you all in search of a quick answer for a little article I'm writing for a backgammon community,
FIBSboard .. what a delight to see others as curious as I have become about the subtlties and vargarities of round robin tournaments .. I'm delighted to have found you
I suppose there are not as many ways of detrmining the winner in a round robin tournament as there are ways to schedule pairings, but I suspect there may be many more than the few of which I am aware .. additionally, on-line tournaments seldom have fixed scheduling problems as most matches are just arranged ad hoc by the players, but there are numerous other issues justas interesting, but that'll be another topic
my first question is whether the method of giving the winner of a match 3 points and the loser 1 point has a formal name?
further, I am wondering what the benefits, if any, such a scoring system may be versus a straightforward comparison of won-loss records for all entrants?
I've always found round robin tournaments fun, but now that I've become involved in both playing, supporting, and organizing such tournaments, I'm curious about not only background of this style, but in learing about others
thanks in advance, I look forward to seeing a response, learning more about the site, and sharing other goodies, too
sixty_something at