Round Robin Tournament Scheduling

schedule help please for odd number

pe77 · 3 · 5618


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on: May 22, 2008, 07:00:09 PM

Appreciate if someone could help....

We have an odd number of teams (29) for a golf league.  Not sure this complicates things as the tables show calculations for even number of teams and we do not want any byes as it's just a 10 week/match season.  

We are only playing a 10 week season anyhow so everybody will not play against each other anyhow.  And I understand that there are numerous variables being odd number of teams and only a 10 week season.

So does anyone have a table for 29 teams playing 10 matches?  

And guessing, due to our 29 teams and 10 week schedule that this isn't true round robin format so will that hinder anything?

Thanks a ton as we have hunted high and low to figure this out.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2008, 07:57:55 PM by pe77 »


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Reply #1 on: May 23, 2008, 08:03:04 AM
It looks like with only ten rounds and 29 teams you will need to have a Swiss System tournament instead of a round robin.  If these are strictly head-to-head matchups there is no way to avoid at least one by per round.  Teams with similar scores would be paired together and you would have a clear leader by at most five rounds.  If you have ratings or seedings for the team, the lowest would have the first bye and the lowest team tied for (or in) last place would have the bye in following rounds and the bye would count as a win.

Richard A. DeVenezias

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Reply #2 on: May 23, 2008, 08:08:59 AM
We have an odd number of teams (29) for a golf league.  Not sure this complicates things as the tables show calculations for even number of teams and we do not want any byes as it's just a 10 week/match season.

With 29 teams, in each week, you can have one of these:
  • 14 pairs + 1 sitout (you have excluded this possibility)
  • 14 pairs + 1 solo
  • 13 pairs + 1 threeway
If you plan with a solo, select 10 rounds from a 30 item balanced schedule.  Whoever plays team 1 is the solo for that week.

If you plan with a threeway AND you have one team (call it F) that agrees to float each week then consider using the 28 items cyclic schedule.  In rounds 1 through 10, place F as the third in matches 1, 3, 5, 2, 4, 9, 11, 14, 2.  F takes on the onus of tripling each week, but always plays against different teams.

If instead, you want to spread the tripling evenly out amongst all the teams, I think it is a much harder problem.  Here is one way, but might not be the most evenly spread out.  Look at the 30 item balanced schedule.  '1' is a ghost and does not play.  Select the first 10 rounds. In each round whoever is paired with '1' is moved to Match 1 for a triple.  With this scheme, these seven teams have to triple twice over the course of the season: 2, 3, 5, 14, 18, 21, 27.

You could also look at 30 item cyclic and move the team paired with '1' to the last match for the triple.
The Administrator.