Round Robin Tournament Scheduling

Round Robin Tennis tournaments

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Neal DeLettre(Guest)

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on: November 22, 2009, 12:50:51 PM

I had a book from the USTA that showed how to run a round tournament with a variable number of players and a variable number of courts.  I can't find this useful book, however.

Can you possibly help?

We have seven courts at our club.  We want to give everyone a number, play doubles, play five rounds, mix the teams each round (important) and work in players over 28 (4 players x 7 courts).

I will be happy to pay for the software or formula.  However, everything I see does not allow us to change teams each round, based on a limited of courts (in our case 7). :)

Neal DeLettre

Ian Wakeling

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Reply #1 on: November 23, 2009, 03:39:51 AM

Please have a look at this message board thread.  Select any 5 of the 9 rounds and no pair of players will partner or oppose each other more than once, in other words this gives you the optimal mixing of players that you are looking for.

Hope that helps,
