Round Robin Tournament Scheduling

Need 24 player round robin euchre schedule

theprince · 5 · 11594


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on: February 09, 2010, 10:16:14 PM
I have been working on a 24 player round robin euchre schedule for DAYS. I have 6 tables of 4 people (playing partners) playing 10 rounds. The players cannot have the same partner ever and I would like it that (ideally) no two players are at the same table more than twice. Can you help?! I am sick of wasting my life on this schedule. THANKS!!

Ian Wakeling

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Reply #1 on: February 10, 2010, 03:37:05 AM
With 24 players you can play upto 7 rounds where all 7 partners and all 14 opponents are different, there is a schedule here. You can assign partners and opponents in any way you like.

There are some more euchre schedules that you may be interested to see if you follow the links here.

A solution for your problem above is possible - all 10 partners different, all 20 opponents different.  But note that players 21 to 24 never sit down at a table together.

(18 11 v  6 21) ( 8 15 v 24  7) (17 10 v 19  2) (4 20 v  9 13) ( 5 23 v 12 16) (14  1 v  3 22)
(19 12 v  7 21) ( 9 11 v 24  8) (18  6 v 20  3) (5 16 v 10 14) ( 1 23 v 13 17) (15  2 v  4 22)
(20 13 v  8 21) (10 12 v 24  9) (19  7 v 16  4) (1 17 v  6 15) ( 2 23 v 14 18) (11  3 v  5 22)
(16 14 v  9 21) ( 6 13 v 24 10) (20  8 v 17  5) (2 18 v  7 11) ( 3 23 v 15 19) (12  4 v  1 22)
(17 15 v 10 21) ( 7 14 v 24  6) (16  9 v 18  1) (3 19 v  8 12) ( 4 23 v 11 20) (13  5 v  2 22)
(18 19 v 13 15) (17  7 v 22  9) (16 24 v  2 20) (4  8 v 14 23) (10 11 v  3 12) ( 1  6 v 21  5)
(19 20 v 14 11) (18  8 v 22 10) (17 24 v  3 16) (5  9 v 15 23) ( 6 12 v  4 13) ( 2  7 v 21  1)
(20 16 v 15 12) (19  9 v 22  6) (18 24 v  4 17) (1 10 v 11 23) ( 7 13 v  5 14) ( 3  8 v 21  2)
(16 17 v 11 13) (20 10 v 22  7) (19 24 v  5 18) (2  6 v 12 23) ( 8 14 v  1 15) ( 4  9 v 21  3)
(17 18 v 12 14) (16  6 v 22  8) (20 24 v  1 19) (3  7 v 13 23) ( 9 15 v  2 11) ( 5 10 v 21  4)

Hope that helps.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2010, 03:37:59 AM by Ian »


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Reply #2 on: February 10, 2010, 10:54:30 AM
Thank you SO much! However I have to have 10 rounds. I need it so that no one has the same partner but can have the same opponent (or sit at the same table) no more than twice. Is that possible? How can I modify your schedule for 10 rounds? THANKS!!

Ian Wakeling

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Reply #3 on: February 10, 2010, 04:57:45 PM
There are definitely 10 rounds (rows) in my schedule above and each row contains all the players 1 to 24 exactly once.  Everybody should have 10 different partners and 20 different opponents, of course there must be some overlap, but no pair of players sit together at a table (within the same bracket, either as partners or opponents) more than twice.


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Reply #4 on: February 11, 2010, 10:01:45 PM