Hi there!
I'm going to be running a tournament for a dice/board game called Roll Through the Ages (feel free to sign up at yucata.de if you like that sort of thing

). Response has been...quite a bit higher than anticipated, so I'm scrambling a little to figure out what large format tournaments would work well.
The plan is to have a group stage then a knockout stage of either three or four player games (think the World Cup for a simpler example two side of this). I figured out that 405 would be a good number for this, as I could do groups of 15, take the top seven of each group with the #1 of each group getting a bye (knockout going 189->81->27->9->3->1). However, it looks like we'll exceed that number of players.
Is there a listing somewhere of three and four player blocks where everyone plays everyone else once? I can see 512 would be a good number using groups of sixteen (take the top five of each group, group winners getting a bye, then knockout 160->64->16->4->1).
Also, any ideas for combinations that might work well around 450? I can manage with giving byes to the best second place scorers or something, but it seems inelegant...
Thanks for your help!