Round Robin Tournament Scheduling

PBTD for 8 teams with more venues

Innesw20 · 4 · 247


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on: February 20, 2025, 05:58:32 AM
In the game of lawn bowls, if there are only 8 teams in a competition there would frequently be more rinks available (the standard green has eight) than are required to play each round (4).

The mathematicians have shown that there does not exist a PBTD for 8 teams and 4 venues.

I was wondering whether a PBTB-equivalent for 8 teams could be constructed where the number of venues is 5 instead of 4? If not, would 6 venues allow it? Or is it just not mathematically possible? This is essentially easing the restriction on the number of venues that applies in the standard definition of PBTDs.

Ian Wakeling

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Reply #1 on: February 21, 2025, 04:02:01 AM
The PBTD might not be necessary.  Could you use the regular balanced schedule instead.  Go here and enter 8 items and 'balanced'.


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Reply #2 on: February 21, 2025, 05:43:10 PM
Afraid not - it does need to be partitioned: a team at a venue at most once in rounds 1-4 and at most once in rounds 4-7.

I imagine it would look something like this, if it can work for 5 venues (rounds in rows, venues in cols):
(   ) (1 x) (x x) (x x) (x x)
(x x) (x x) (   ) (x x) (1 x)
(x x) (   ) (1 x) (x x) (x x)
(1 x) (x x) (x x) (x x) (   )
(x x) (x x) (1 x) (   ) (x x)
(x x) (   ) (x x) (x x) (1 x)
(   ) (x x) (x x) (1 x) (x x)
Ideally each team should play on each venue at least once in the competition, but that may be asking too much.

Ian Wakeling

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Reply #3 on: Today at 12:13:45 AM
The more venues there are, the easier things get.  With 6 venues you can have:

(H A) (---) (F G) (B C) (---) (D E)
(---) (H B) (---) (F E) (D G) (A C)
(E G) (D F) (H C) (---) (A B) (---)
(---) (A E) (---) (H D) (F C) (B G)
(F B) (C G) (D A) (---) (H E) (---)
(D C) (---) (B E) (A G) (---) (H F)

which leaves the following 4 pairings to be played in the final round.

(A F) (B D) (C E) (G H)

If you have 7 venues, then there is the Room Square.