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%macro FirstCap (S);

%* Richard A. DeVenezia;
%* Given an ALL caps string, convert it to one
%* where only the first letter of each word is capitalized.;

%* For use in data step only;
%* Usage:
%* %FirstCap (<name of data step variable>);

%* ensure no collision with existing dataset variables;

%local random L I c pc;
%let random = %sysfunc (ranuni(0), 10.8);
%let random = _%substr(&random,3);

%let L = L&random.L;
%let I = I&random.I;
%let c = c&random.c;
%let pc = pc&random.pc;

length &c $1;
&L = length (&S);
&c = substr(&S,1,1);
do &I = 2 to &L;
  &pc = &c;
  &c = substr (&S,&I,1);
  * only lowercase if current char is uppercase and the previous
  * char was a letter (if no internal lowercase characters then the
  * 'or' can be removed);
  * add more 'or's to deal with punctuation or numbers;

  if ('A' <= &c <= 'Z' and ('A' <= &pc <= 'Z' or 'a' <= &pc <= 'z')) then
    substr (&S,&I,1) = lowcase(&c);

drop &L &I &c &pc;
%mend FirsCap;

Sample code

data names (keep=name);
  length name $60;
  do i = 1 to 1e5;
    p = 1;
    name = '';

    nW = 2 + 3 * ranuni (0);
    do w = 1 to nW;
      nL = 3 + 10 * ranuni (1);
      do j = 1 to nL;
        substr (name, p, 1) = byte (65 + 26 * ranuni (2));
        p ++ 1;
      p ++ 1;

options mprint;
data names2;
  set names;
  newName = name;
  %FirstCap (newName);