%macro anyObs (data);
%* data - name of data set to check if there are any observations;
%* 0 if no observations found in data;
%* 1 if any observations found in data;
%* -1 if an error occurred;
%* Richard A. DeVenezia 12/23/98;
%* Note: if option NOTES is on and the data has a where clause
%* that returns no rows, then there will be a note in the log
%* NOTE: No observations were selected from data set <LIB>.<MEM>.
%* There is currently no way to circumvent this.
%local dsid any ;
%let dsid = %sysfunc (open (&DATA));
%if &dsid %then %do;
%let any = %sysfunc (attrn (&dsid, ANY));
%let dsid = %sysfunc (close (&dsid));
%else %do;
%mend anyObs;