%macro tranwrdI(source, target, replacement);
%* Richard A. DeVenezia
%* Posted to SAS-L 1/9/03;
/* Important: RXPARSE patterns whose characters are not quoted
* are utilized in a case insensitive manner, and non-alpha
* characters when quoted are handled literally. Thus, the
* first rxparse/change creates a case-insensitive pattern
* portion for the actual rxparse/change that follows.
* S2 and T2 are assigned 1,000 byte character values so that
* they have a valid memory space allocated to accept the
* output of rxchange.
%local pattern rx times;
%local S S2 T T2;
%let S = &source;
%let T = ⌖
%let T2 = %sysfunc(repeat(.,1000));
%let S2 = %sysfunc(repeat(.,1000));
%let pattern = <^'A-Za-z '>+ to '"' =1 '"' ;
%let rx = %sysfunc (rxparse ( &pattern ));
%let times = 999;
%syscall rxchange(rx, times, T, T2);
%syscall rxfree(rx);
%let pattern = &T2 TO "&replacement";
%let rx = %sysfunc (rxparse ( &pattern ));
%syscall rxchange(rx, times, S, S2);
%syscall rxfree(rx);
%put %tranwrdI (
A string with different cases of
STRING: Like string, String, and sTRing
, string