/* Richard A. DeVenezia * April 15, 2004 * * Create a gallery of output, each item is styled according to each * specifable style. * * orginal content posted to SAS-L April 15, 2004 * * Note: Some styles cause Read Access Violations on some destinations. * IF YOU GET A READ ACCESS VIOLATION(RAV), EXIT YOUR SAS SESSION AND * START A NEW ONE. BEFORE SUBMITTING AGAIN, BE SURE TO EXCLUDE THE PATH * THAT CAUSED THE RAV */ %macro StyleGallery ( excludePaths = , outPath = %sysfunc(pathname(WORK)) , destination = /* common ones are - pdf | rtf | html */ , seed = 1 , file = gallery , method = ALL_IN_ONE /* ALL_IN_ONE | ONE_EACH */ ); %let method = %upcase (&method); %let destination = %lowcase (&destination); %if &destination = html and &method = ALL_IN_ONE %then %do; %put ERROR: destination=&destination and method=&method are incompatible; %goto EndMacro; %end; data foo; do class1 = 'a', 'b';*, 'c'; do class2 = 1 to 3; nitems = 10*ranuni(&seed); do n = 1 to nitems; var1 = ranuni (&seed); var2 = ranuni (&seed); var3+1; output; end; end; end; run; title; footnote; ods _all_ close; ods trace off; proc template; ods output Template.Stats = styles(where=(type='Style')); list ; run; %let excludePaths = %sysfunc(translate(|&excludePaths.|,|,%str( ))); %let excludePaths = %sysfunc(upcase(&excludePaths)); proc sql; delete from styles where index ("&excludePaths" , '|' || trim(upcase(path)) || '|' ) ; %local i nstyles; reset noprint; select count(*) into :nstyles from styles; %let nstyles = &nstyles; %do i = 1 %to &nstyles; %local style&i path&i; %end; select tranwrd(path,'Styles.','') into :style1-:style&nstyles. from styles ; select path into :path1-:path&nstyles. from styles ; quit; %if &method = ALL_IN_ONE %then %do; ods &destination file="&outPath./&file..&destination" ; %if &destination = pdf %then %do; ods &destination startpage=never; %end; %end; %do i = 1 %to &nstyles ; %put Render &i - &&style&i (&&path&i); %if &method = ONE_EACH %then %do; ods &destination file="&outPath./&file.-&&style&i...&destination" style=&&style&i; title "STYLE=&&style&i"; footnote "Style Gallery - Richard A. DeVenezia"; %end; %else %do; %* ALL_IN_ONE - works for pdf, not for html; ods &destination style=&&style&i; %end; proc tabulate data=foo; class class:; var var:; table class1*class2 , var1*mean var2*min var3*max / box = "#&i: Style=&&style&i" ; run; %end; %if &method = ALL_IN_ONE %then %do; ods &destination close; %end; %EndMacro: %mend;
Sample code
options nomprint; /* * for destinations html and rtf, method ALL_IN_ONE output is not as * diverse as method ONE_EACH output */ /* %StyleGallery ( destination = pdf, ExcludePaths = Styles.Theme, method = ONE_EACH ) %StyleGallery ( destination = html, method = ONE_EACH ) %StyleGallery ( destination = rtf, method = ONE_EACH ) */ %StyleGallery ( destination = pdf, ExcludePaths = Styles.Theme )